About Me

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Cambridge, New Zealand
Sociologist, teacher, researcher, writer. Never thought of myself as an environmentalist until I moved to New Zealand. When a country uses so much poison that is banned in the rest of the world - with seemingly no regard for humanity, there's got to be a sociological explanation - this exploration is about finding one. For useful scientific info on aerial poisoning, see: http://1080science.co.nz/

Tuesday 3 October 2017

18 May Cromwell, Lake Dunstan

NZMCA Lake Dunstan

Boy oh Boy was it cold here! That wind off the lake makes it extra icy! Luckily we had our gas heater for the caravan to keep us warm - and lots of spicy hot curries too!

The guy who turned-up to camp next door was on his way to a speed-boat race somewhere in Southland. He needed to test the boat out (obviously) so (obviously too) Justin offered to help launch it with the Ranger. Me and Dizzy (none too keen on ice-cold water) watched from the shoreline as it took off at speed... 

Helping with the launch
Somewhere out there is a fast boat!

Next morning, it was so cold we decided to head for a powered site nearby, where we could use some power to warm us up. 

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